Thursday, 20 September 2012


The cool wind of an early morning flapped his brown hair and they lashed against his face. With his green eyes set into the vast grey of the world, he greeted the first glimpses of the yellow sun, which was rising on his right. The long beam of light helped him out of the stupor, as he looked around with great perplexity. All possible shades colored the cloudless sky. On his left it was still dark blue almost black, but the closer it got to the sun, the lighter it turned. On the right it was crystal blue with some white spots, however near the sun itself the sky burned with red, yellow and violet. With every second the colors multiplied and occupied more space. From where he was it looked like an uncontrollable fire was trying to absorb the sky.
He was standing on the edge of the highest building in the city he knew nothing about. Tall buildings fascinated and at the same time scared him. They had massive foundations, which converged to the top. Long narrow corridors sprang from the structures of the buildings, creating a unified complex entity. Even though he could clearly identify each separate building, he could never say that they were not one, as the tight connection between them was evident. He had no idea of how he got there or even what his name was, but the sense of urgency and desperate need for understanding could not leave his troubled mind. From the only flat rooftop he could see for miles around him feeling the significance of the upcoming events, but it seemed that everything rested on the scale of him being able to remember what he was supposed to do.
The intertwined corridors did not interfere with his ability to see what was going on at the very bottom of the buildings. It would seem strange to see people at such an hour rushing down the streets, but not to see them at all would be even more bizarre. But there he was, all alone not only at the top, but also everywhere his eyes could lay sight on. He was a rather handsome man in his late twenties, he seemed dark and mysterious wearing his hair in a bob and dressed in a military-looking clothes. His black leather coat was a good cover from the cold, but nothing could save him from the strong wind, which was blowing in his back. With his every thought it got only worse, as the wind was either trying to push him over and laugh at his inability to make a decision and a move, or was urging him to take a chance and start on the Yellow Brick Road. It seemed that the sun was acting in collusion with the wind, as the increasing numbers of beams blinded an already perplexed young man and put him into even bigger out-of-balanced state.
He knew he could not stand there forever, but either because of the stupor, which still had hold of him, or because of the myriad doubts, which incessantly attacked his not yet firmly established mind, his first move was clumsy and stiff. He stepped back getting farther from the edge, but that first step turned out to be not what he had intended. He found himself on his back, and with a willful sigh trying desperately to regain control over his body and his mind, he somehow managed to get up. His next steps, though still stiff and awkward, were more graceful and he finally got of the windy rooftop into the welcoming warm of the rooms inside of the building.

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